In his work and research Patrick Ceyssens ( 1965 BE ) seaks the other track in images. He -as a captor of impressions and as an archivist of memories-, often start out from the images that he gathers around (photographs, 8 mm films, slides, etc.). Many of these treasured
keepsakes are confined to our cakeboxes and risk to become lost relics of a pre-digital era.
But there is more. Their historical importance as holders of memories for the protagonists in the picture will, in time, be replaced by interpretations of strangers to these pictures ‘inventing’ new stories.
Joannes Késenne :‘Nonetheless it is the little things that we take from our observations that are decisive. Collecting images from the past is impossible: how can you ever touch that past reality?
The reconstruction made to replace the original is but a vain ambition. The way in which various things merge in the mood of the moment, that very ambiguity, is precisely what the artist can
bring to light. The reality of that moment can never be regained a second time. It is not the rebirth of anything, either. Far from it: new spaces arise visually. Like the Renaissance artists integrated vistas into the landscape context of a scene.’ The modern grammatical language is more easily found in the things we cannot see, than in the things we can see, as well as in the things that provoke thought. It is this stream of association in images that say more about that image, and therefore take on meaning. It is a continual process of comparing, testing, assimilating, linking, etc., in order to bring a new image to life.